Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year!

Well Erin, is now 13 and Christmas and New Year's have come and gone. Whew! Now we are getting ready to dig in to the "normal" life. Whatever normal is... Maybe I'll even try this blogging thing out. I will be posting some photos soon for those that want to see our smiling happy faces, and hopefully I can keep the posts somewhat interesting.

Happy New Year! 2009 is going to be an adventure.

Keep your eyes open and your running shoes close by.



Tuesday, December 16, 2008

New to blogging...

So I think I'm doing this wrong?

I'm trying to set up two blogs, maybe I've taken on too much. (No, not me!)

I just want one for the family and one for my random thoughts, do they have to be connected? Why does mine look so boring and others look so cool? Maybe I don't have time to blog? Maybe no one really cares what I have to say anyway? (oh, yea, that might be it)

If anyone has any "blogging 101 for dummies" tips, pass them on!!


The Countdown is on!

First of all, Mom & Dad, I don't think I ever apologized for being 13, but let me just say now, I'm sorry.

Most of you know Erin will turn 13 in just a few days. YIKES! Since the day she was born she has always been a little more mature than most. She was born a week early. She was walking at 10 months. Her first combined words came out in a complete sentence. The moment the training wheels came off her bike she rode like she'd been riding for years. Reading at age 3, loosing her first tooth at age 4. Everything just a little early. Well turning 13 seems to me to be here just a little too earlier, at least for me...

8 more days